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Andreas Antonopoulos Warns Ethereum Community: Be Careful of Fragmentation


Jonathan Gibson


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Jonathan Gibson



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Jonathan Gibson


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Andreas M. Antonopoulos, a recognized cryptocurrency expert and author of Mastering Bitcoin talked about the conflicts that Ethereum (ETH) is currently experiencing. He warned that an escalating war among developers could divide the community and the whole project. A division in the community could lead to a contentious hard fork.

Antonopoulos Warns the Ethereum Community

During a keynote address at the ETHDenver in Colorado, he said to the Ethereum community to be careful of fragmentation. He gave these comments due to the fact that the Ethereum developer Afri Schoedon decided to quit the project after being criticized for giving his opinion regarding the Polkadot scaling solution.

Afri Schoedon wrote on Twitter that he is not quitting social media but he is leaving Ethereum. He explained that he did not hat Ethereum and that he worked on it for a long time. Furthermore, he explained that his work at Ethereum was not paid and that he will be searching for decentralization and privacy-enhancing projects.

Antonopoulos commented about this situation:

“Be careful of fragmentation. When things get difficult, people become more insular in their thinking, and they start magnifying differences instead of focusing on commonalities.”

During the last year, Ethereum dropped significantly, following the trend of the market. It fell from $1,400 down to $82 a few months ago. Thus, if developers start arguing among each other for thinking in a different way, the community could split. When a community is divided, new projects can be created that could eventually harm the future of Ethereum.

When Bitcoin (BTC) developers and enthusiasts did not have the same opinion regarding how to scale the network, Bitcoin split and Bitcoin Cash (BCH) was created. This has affected Bitcoin’s performance in the market since there is a large cap currency that is trying to compete against Bitcoin. Developers are also divided and the community became very hostile towards those thinking in a different way.

Due to this situation that Ethereum is currently experiencing, developers and contributors wrote an open letter to the community. In this letter, they say that they support Afri Schoedon and that they will stand in favour of free speech. Moreover, they wrote that the community must preserve the mental and emotional health of those working on Ethereum.

At the time of writing this article, Ethereum is the second largest digital asset in the market. Each ETH coin can be purchased for $148 and it has a market cap of $15.56 billion.