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MEXC Global Accelerates Global Expansion by Leveraging a “User-Centered” Strategy 


John Asher


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John Asher



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John Asher


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Despite cut-throat competition in crypto,  a handful of providers have managed to address user experiences optimally. One such exchange is MEXC Global, which seeks new ways of improving customer experiences.

The regulated exchange based in Seychelles launched in April 2018 and adopts a “User first, Service Foremost” approach to customer care.

MEXC Global Makes Trading Easier

In four short years, the exchange has grown in prominence, increasing its total crypto pairs, licenses, and customer bar. Notably, its dedication to enabling crypto users around the globe easy access to their chosen digital assets has set it apart from the rest. Their success was primarily pinned on their adaptive approach and fluidity. Specifically, their explosive growth over the years was because of their distinctive decision to make trading and crypto interactions as organic and smooth as possible. 

The exchange’s recognition that traditional finance is critical in driving adoption was crucial, enabling them to increase their market share. Their commitment was shown when they partnered with Visa and MasterCard, making it a top choice for all cadres of users. While experienced investors can easily maneuver the fiat and crypto worlds, newbies need no prior knowledge of blockchain’s technical know-how. The ease this brings customers has made MEXC Global a choice for crypto traders.

Also, MEXC Global is popular for listing trending digital assets that attract users. While other exchanges don’t see the essence of providing a wide range of cryptocurrencies, MEXC Global takes advantage of such a strategy by making a variety of competitive digital assets available for clients. This strategy has exponentially increased its daily spot trading volume to almost $2 billion daily based on data provided by top trackers as of July 14, 2022. The surge in trading volumes stems from client confidence that their funds are secure as they select from the wide variety of listed tokens. 

For this, in 2021, MEXC Global won the “Best Crypto Exchange Asia” award during the Crypto Expo Dubai, an annual crypto summit aimed at networking and giving credit to unique crypto innovations. Since then, MEXC Global has been bent on achieving incredible feats centered on its users’ experience.

Focus on Customer Satisfaction

At inception, the user-centric exchange was focused on derivatives and spot trading. It has evolved to match the needs of its customers to provide a diverse range of services its clients can pick from. Typically, the exchange lists many digital assets selected based on customer feedback. 

On the customer service front, MEXC Global agents are always available to hear from its clients anytime, every day of the week. It does this by providing a round-the-clock customer service that is 100 percent run by humans and not chatbots, unlike in most competing exchanges. 

As of mid-July 2022, over 2k coins and tokens were available for spot trading and more than 100 tokens in their futures trading platforms. The exchange’s global client base could also choose to trade the more than 300 derivatives products like leveraged ETFs.