On Monday, the Twitter account for the Ethereum roll-up platform Arbitrum was suspended. According to the Arbitrum Foundation, Twitter flagged the account in error, and it was reinstated a few hours later.
Harry Kalodner, the co-founder of Offchain Labs, the company responsible for developing the Arbitrum scaling solution, confirmed the suspension. Kalodner expressed uncertainty regarding Twitter’s reason for the suspension and indicated that the Arbitrum Foundation, which now manages the account, is conducting an investigation.
After being suspended, the account was later reinstated. A spokesperson for the Arbitrum Foundation revealed that Twitter Support contacted them and explained that their account was mistakenly identified as spam by the platform’s automated systems designed to detect and remove multiple spam accounts.
The Arbitrum suspension drama occurred less than a week after the much-anticipated launch of the ARB governance token. Like other buzzy token launches, the ARB launch was exploited by cybercriminals who used fake social media profiles and complex phishing operations to steal from unsuspecting investors. Many of these fraudulent Twitter accounts are still active.
Developer Togrhul Mahararramov, who works for the Ethereum roll-up platform Scroll, criticized Twitter for allowing scam accounts to thrive while the legitimate Arbitrum account was taken down. Mahararramov described Twitter as “consistently awful” in this regard.
Arbitrum is a layer 2 roll-up platform that enables Ethereum blockchain transactions with reduced transaction fees. According to DefiLlama, it is currently the largest Ethereum rollup in terms of trading volume and total value locked. With the release of the token last week, the Arbitrum DAO (decentralized autonomous organization), which is comprised of ARB holders, took over the development of the platform. Earlier, Offchain Labs was responsible for maintaining the platform and Twitter account.