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Glassdoor: Blockchain Unfilled Jobs Up 300% in A Year


Jonathan Gibson


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Jonathan Gibson



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Jonathan Gibson


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The blockchain space continues to grow. According to a study conducted by Glassdoor, there is an increased demand for blockchain and crypto talent. However, not all the jobs have been taken. There are 1,775 job openings related to blockchain positions in the US. Compared to a year ago, this represents an increase of over 300%.

Blockchain Job Proposals Grow

Virtual currencies and blockchain technology have been expanding all over the world. Different companies are currently operating in the market. However, there is a lack of blockchain and cryptocurrency experts.

According to a study released by Glassdoor, there was an increase of 300% in the number of jobs offered in the US. Additionally, Glassdoor provided information about the salaries that these professionals earn. As per the report, the median salary for blockchain-related job openings is $84,884 dollars per year.

This is 61.8% higher than the US median salary of $52,461 dollars. The highest salary registered by Glassdoor in the blockchain field is higher than $200,000 dollars a year. However, the company explains that most of the blockchain jobs posted are technical. The most searched talents were ‘software engineer’ (19% of all the blockchain job listings).

Glassdoor explains that the analysis was based on a large sample of job postings in the US.

On the matter, Glassdoor wrote:

“This analysis is based on a large sample of online U.S. job postings from Glassdoor. To evaluate the state of the blockchain job market, we performed a text search of Glassdoor’s real-time job openings database for any job posting containing keywords related to blockchain, Bitcoin and cryptocurrency. While most jobs in the industry are cryptocurrency-related, we also included more general blockchain-related terms to accurately reflect the market. “

Although the market has been operating negatively during the last year, the number of job searches increased. Just a year ago, there were just 446 open jobs. In August 2018, this number reached 1,775 dollars.

Moreover, the top five international cities for blockchain job openings on Glassdoor were London (16%), Singapore (7%), Toronto (7%) and Hong Kong (6%). In the fifth place, we can find Berlin with (4%).

The top occupations searched were the following: software engineer, analyst relations manager and product manager. All of them account for almost 30% of the total number of occupations searched.

Clearly, the blockchain market is growing and companies are hiring new talents. IBM, Coinbase, Figure, Kraken and many others are actively investing in new and talented experts.


Carlos is an international relations’ analyst specializing in cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology. Since 2017, Carlos has written extensively for UseTheBitcoin and other leading cryptocurrency sites; with over 2,000 articles published.