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The Pineapple Fund – Bitcoin For Charity




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2 mins
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News - Archive

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2 mins
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Reading time

2 mins
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On the internet we can find many different things. When it is about Bitcoin, several users have been commenting in Reddit and other social networks and telling how they bought lambos. But we have also another kind of people, the one that sometimes it is a pleasure to read and know about.

The Pineapple Fund

The PineappleFund is an initiative that started when a Reddit user invested in Bitcoin at the very beginning. As he tells in the post, he has more money than what he can spend and wants to donate some of his millions for charity.

“Today, I see $17539 per BTC. I still don’t believe reality sometimes. Bitcoin has changed my life, and I have far more money than I can ever spend. My aims, goals, and motivations in life have nothing to do with having XX million or being mega rich,” he comments. “So I’m doing something else: donating the majority of my bitcoins to charitable causes. I’m calling it The Pineapple Fund.”

The Pineapple Fund’s webpage allows every registered charity institution to apply in order to receive funds for the cause they represent. In some exceptional circumstances, the fund can give money to non registered organizations. The slogan that the Pineapple Fund uses is ‘because once you have enough money, money doesn’t matter.’

At the moment, the Pinneaple Fund has supported different charities and has given more than $4.5 million dollars. Among the charities supported we can find watsi, an institution that wants universal health care, the Water Project, that aims to finish with the water crisis, and many other charity organizations.

How to Apply?

If you run a charity organization and you would like to apply for a donation, you only need to fill up a form and wait for their answer. You need to include the name of your organization, the cause and the countries in which the charity operates. More information will be requested, like contact details and some personal information. As soon as the Pineapple Fund has analysed the request they will answer you.