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Snoop Dogg Passport Series NFT Collection to Evolve Over Time


Jonathan Gibson


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Jonathan Gibson



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Jonathan Gibson


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Passport Snoop Dogg NFT

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The new NFT collection launched by Snoop Dogg is going to be evolving over time. To be more specific, as he goes on tour, the NFT will change according to the step of the tour. The NFT collection is called Snoop Dogg Passport Series and the tour will start on July 7 in Vancouver, Canada. This represents a unique opportunity for NFT collectors worldwide. 

Snoop Dogg’s NFT Collection to Evolve

The new Passport Series NFT collection will offer users the possibility to get access to content behind the scenes, exclusive merchandise and more. These are some of the most common use cases for non-fungible tokens. 

In a press release, Snoop Dogg said:

“With the passport series, I can give my fans the opportunity to travel the world with me – no one’s ever done that. I’ve always been a pioneer, and digital merch is part of the future. I’m hoping other artists can see what I’m doing and continue to innovate on their own.”

The passport is currently available for purchase at 0.025 ETH. According to CoinGecko, the price of Ethereum at the time of writing this article is close to $1,735. That means that, approximately, Snoop Dogg’s NFT passport costs $43 (but the price can change in the future as ETH’s price fluctuates).

Over the last few years, we have seen a large number of companies, bands and artists release different NFT projects. Snoop Dogg is following the same trend in the non-fungible token market and trying to offer a new and innovative solution for users that would like to get access to exclusive content, materials and more.