Investors who jumped onto the crypto bandwagon when BTC was launched made a fortune. While it is still possible to earn a handsome profit from offloading your digital assets, the returns are not as great as before. But, is looking to change all this with the introduction of its crypto investment management services.
It has introduced a new service that will enable BTC enthusiasts to earn great returns from their assets without ever having to lift a finger. AMFEIX operates as a hedge fund specializing in cryptocurrency assets. It seeks to provide enthusiastic crypto holders with professional investment advice, provided with the help of an easy-to-use and highly simplified user interface.
Rather than trade on a daily basis or spend countless hours researching possible trading options, AMFEIX gets to handle everything for you. As an investor on this platform, all you need to do is upload BTC into your digital wallet. After uploading the funds, the professionals will take over from there and handle all investments.
AMFEIX is not like other conventional trading platforms. You do not have to worry about bots handling your digital coins. All the trading taking place on this platform is managed and executed by humans. These are humans who have devoted their time and expertise of crypto markets to handling investor funds.
AMFEIX Seeks to Simplify Crypto Investing
Hedge funds have enjoyed unrivaled success in the traditional markets for more than twenty years. While hedge funds are known to use different trading methods, they all use a simple, and easy-to-execute business model.
Interested investors hand over their money to the hedge funds and the hedge managers charge a management fee based on the returns received from that investment. When the fund earns a profit, it takes a certain portion of these earnings as its fees. Often, the funds will also apply a management fee for assets under its care.
AMFEIX uses a similar business model with its crypto investment services. But, unlike contemporary hedge funds, it will only charge you for the gains it has made for you. It, therefore, provides investors with an opportunity to let their BTC earn some returns.
To Make Big Returns, You Need to Get in Early
The emergence, growth, and increased adoption of crypto assets has helped introduce new investment options. You are likely to come across tens of new ICOs happening each week. Each new ICO is an opportunity for a savvy investor to earn a profit. However, it requires time and patience for any person to track all the ICOs taking place.
Have you ever asked yourself the reason why Venture Capital Funds are able to make great returns for their investors as compared to investing in other markets? The secret lies in their ability to get in early when a company that has shown promise is still in its infant stage.
But the reality is that it is almost impossible for a normal investor to identify or even gain exposure to such opportunities on their own. This solidifies the need to work with hedge funds and trading funds. will do all the work for you. Its analysts and traders will identify promising opportunities and invest your funds for you. You will never again have to worry about conducting research on upcoming companies.