
Press Release

IDM launches highly protected decentralized storage


Jonathan Gibson


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Jonathan Gibson



Press Release

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Jonathan Gibson


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IDM Protect introduces into the market distributed storage service. The service addresses the most important data security challenges. The innovative solution attract attention by its modern distributed architecture and unique competitive advantage – the SIZE algorithm.

There are two main threats for data storages – unauthorized access and data loss. To solve the first problem most services apply encryption, which should prevent anyone to access the data stored, if the person is not allowed to do so. Actually, cryptography is not as good as we think: malefactor can break encryption keys; as for other codes, upcoming quantum computers will break them in the near future. The second problem is data loss. There is a rick of physical damage to centralized data storages. Hackers and authorities can block or destroy the data. Therefore, even traditional cloud data centers and replication methods cannot protect your data from loss.

The IDM service protects your data from both of those threats.

The solution’s architecture guarantees post-quantum protection, fault tolerance, and highly distributed storage – the architecture is independent of any cloud provider. The core of the system is the innovative and patented the SIZE algorithm. The algorithm helps to store data with maximum reliability and security, both in terms of protection against unauthorised access and prevention against data loss. The data is protected at the level of an Ideal Secrecy System that cannot be hacked. The reliability of storage achieves an unprecedented level: for example, with the expansion of the network, it is possible to lose up to 98% of stored files and then recover the original file without any corruption.

The SIZE algorithm implements an innovative correction codes. It splits the source data into small packages and converts each package into shards with additional data generated. Each of these individual packages has no functional meaning and does not even contain a single bit of the original data. To restore the original data, you have to rebuild a complete file from a set of packages in a specific way, performing series of mathematical operations.

The technology has demonstrated its advantages in a production. The company already has a cloud data storage with more than two thousand active users. Developers of the service and other organizations confirmed technology reliability. For the development team the IDM Protect distributed storage service is the next big phase. The algorithm shows maximum efficiency for decentralized data storage on a large number of nodes.

This milestone of project development provides a great opportunity to anyone who wants to share its success. IDM Protect offers reward to distributed storage node owners: monthly reward of $4-$5 per 50 GB for leasing storage capacity. Since there is minimum requirement for computing resources, any user device can function as a part of a distributed data storage. The reliability and security of IDM Protect will be higher than that of capabilities of centralized storage schemes, and at a fair cost. To accept payment and distribute rewards the service introduces a blockchain system.

In addition, the blockchain project opens up the excellent opportunity to international investors. Token sale starts from 15th of May. The technology based on the SIZE algorithm is patented in the UK, European Union, USA, Japan, and other countries. There are more than 20 patents totally, which help to secure your investments. With a wide storage network all over the world, IDM ecosystem will be the only storage, which is able to retrieve data even after a massive failure or disconnection of storage nodes in all countries and continents. An unprecedented level of data protection and a business model, which makes this project profitable for many users, promising high return on the investment.

See more: myidm.io