The Dutch government is exploring different blockchain solutions for different governmental areas. As of November 2017, around 30 different projects were tested in a variety of fields such as, taxing, identity, logistics and autonomous vehicles.
Blockchain is Being Integrated by Governments
Every single month, more and more projects are based on blockchain technology. Enterprises, as well as governments, are taking advantage of this technology. At a Blockchain symposium in Singapore, Koen Lukas Hartog, the Program manager of has presented the different blockchain projects that the Dutch Government has in mind.
The Dutch Government is working with this enterprise in order to start different pilot projects. The main intention is to achieve two specific goals. The first one is to enhance knowledge regarding Blockchain within the participating organizations. The second is to develop use cases for future application of blockchain technology.
According to blockchainpilots, 25 organizations started one or more pilot projects during May 2016 and April 2017. The third pilot round for governmental organizations has started and the results should be soon published.
Among these projects we can find: a research into the potential powerful combination of digital identity and Blockchain, a significantly improved regulation for subsidies on electric vehicles or a blockchain based system for the tracking of working and resting hours of truck drivers. There are many different applications that different Ministries are implementing in their working areas.
“We did not do this alone, because I think the ley ingredient of the success of our pilot projects is that we were able to create a large network of technical experts,” commented Mr. Hartog.
Moscow Working with the Ethereum Network
At UseTheBitcoin we have covered how the Moscow government was working with blockchain technology in order to facilitate the city voting system. Using Ethereum’s network, Moscow’s authorities announced a project so as to facilitate the voting system for the Active Citizen platform.
This system will allow citizens to become a node of a peer-to-peer network and will be able to record and store the database of votes. In this way votes will become a smart contract on the Ethereum’s network.
Blockchain technology offers several advantages because of its decentralized, distributed and transparent nature.