The survey was created in order to conduct a cryptocurrency market research and get to know the practices and habits the traders have. We also wanted to know what plans for the future they have.
The survey was open for a week starting on October 25th. It was shared on Organiser’s channels and also on the most popular cryptocurrency social media groups and forums. Everyone could fill the questionnaire.
Who are the respondents
After 7 days of gathering the answers, the official number of interviewees is 931. 75,1% of participants are males, 23,5% are females and 1,4% preferred not to share their gender. Surprisingly, young people do not outnumber those who completed the survey. Only 17,6% declared being in the age between 18 – 30, and 16,8% is between 31 – 40 y.o. The interviewees who are between 41- 50 years old are the 25,3% of all participants, the next group of 51 – 60 y.o. accounts for 21% of all. The survey was also filled by 86 people over 60 years old, what gives 9,2%. Based on the conducted questionnaire, we can assume that most of the traders are in so-called middle age (46,3% of all asked).
More than a half of all respondents live in Europe (50,8%) and over a quarter (32,2%) in Asia. Asked about the highest degree, 25,7% respondents pointed out the answer “ High school graduate, diploma or the equivalent (for example GED).” 19,5% declared their education below this point, 16,4% of all claimed to have some college degree or technical training. 38,4% said having bachelor’s, master’s or doctoral degree. Over 650 respondents are currently working either as self-employed or are employed for wages.
The statistical respondent is male, between 41 – 50 years old, lives in Europe. He also graduated from high school with diploma or the equivalent, he’s self-employed.
Out of 931 respondents, 797 (85,6%) admitted that they had or have cryptocurrency in their wallet. Only 134 (14,4%) participants said that they didn’t and don’t have any of digital assets. Almost 30% out of 134 people said they wouldn’t have bought any crypto by the end of the year. 93 respondents (almost 70%) are planning to buy crypto in the near future. Among all listed cryptos, they consider buying Bitcoin (around 60%), FuturoCoin (above 16%). 10% haven’t decided yet. The majority (30%) is planning to spend no more than $100 on their first purchase, only 6,5% declares to spend more than $1500.
Owners of cryptos
As mentioned above, over 85% of respondents claimed they had or currently have cryptocurrency. What’s not very surprising, the first cryptocurrency they bought was no longer than the year ago (40,2%). 21,2% admitted they bought it in the recent 6 months when 23,5% made the first purchase up to 2 years ago. Only 2% of asked bought it more than 5 years ago. Over 57% of interviewees learnt about cryptocurrencies from the Internet, almost 35% from a friend and only 1 person (0,1%) got to know it during making a payment for a service. Respondents, when it came to the first purchase, weren’t too afraid of “taking a risk”. Almost 20% of them bought crypto worth more than $1500. 27,9% admitted that they spent not more than $100. When asked what was the first cryptocurrency they bought, almost 50% of interviewees answered Bitcoin (BTC). It’s reasonable as this cryptocurrency is not only the most popular but also paired with nearly all altcoins. The second place with the result of almost 25% was FuturoCoin (FTO), over 6% chose Ethereum (ETH). Among mentioned cryptos, there was also Ripple (XRP), Lisk (LSK) or Iota (MIOTA). The most common reason to buy the first cryptocurrency was to start an investment (58,1%). Almost 23% of asked, bought their digital asset to use it as a payment method. One person admitted getting crypto for playing games. Right now, only 53% buy cryptocurrencies regularly (once per month or twice), 47% don’t.
The current situation
Right now, out of 797 respondents, 747 (93,7%) own some cryptocurrencies. 35,1% reported the current value of the wallet at about $1500 when 21,7% have less than $100. When asked which cryptocurrency interviewees mostly have, 52,7% pointed on FuturoCoin, 28,1% on Bitcoin, above 5% Ethereum and 4,1% Ripple.
Who is the owner of FuturoCoin?
Out of 797 people who filled the questionnaire, 420 claims to own mainly FuturoCoin. Almost 37,5% admitted that FTO is between 91-100% of their wallets’ content. Over 83% claims using FuturoCoin as an investment, 22% trades with FTO while 22% is mostly paying with it. Asked about the most significant advantage of this cryptocurrency, respondents claim it is good to make an investment (56,7%). They also value it for fast transactions (41,4%), low fees (36,2%), availability on many cryptocurrency exchanges (25,2%) and a real implementation of a digital asset in daily life (24%). Almost 50% of asked, obtained FuturoCoin by mining, 35,2% bought it, 16,9% received as a payment for services. 11 people gained their FTO by winning them in some contests like Airdrop.
Based on responses in the survey, the statistical owner of FuturoCoin is a male, between 36 and 40 years old, living in Europe. He graduated from a High school with a diploma or the equivalent. Now he has his own business being self-employed.
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