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Hotel Chain Located in Spain Launches New Pilot Project to Accept Payments in Bitcoin


Jonathan Gibson


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Jonathan Gibson



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Jonathan Gibson


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Casual Hoteles announced it is launching a new pilot to test Bitcoin (BTC) payments for its services. The firm has different hotels in Madrid, Valencia, Lisbon and San Sebastián, among other places. This first pilot will start with a hotel Casual Málaga del Mar Hotel. The information was released by Daily Hodl a few days ago.

Hotel Chain in Spain Works with Bitcoin

Casual Hoteles is trying to attract new customers by introducing Bitcoin payments for its services. There are several individuals around the world that are tech savvy and that would like to purchase their high-end accommodations at an affordable price with Bitcoin. The company is currently experimenting with Bitcoin and Amazon Pay, which requires users to use mobile devices and other digital payment channels to make payments.

It is possible for customers to scan a QR code or just retrieve a payment coed in Euros through WhatsApp and process a payment using BitPay. BitPay is one of the most popular payment processors in the crypto space that is already offering services to customers around the world. Users will be able to pay in Bitcoin and settle the transaction in Euro.

As per the company, they focus on customer feedback and try to apply the latest technological trends and attract new travellers.

On the matter, the company explained:

“Casual Hoteles is committed to a relationship with its customers and other interest groups based on active listening to the market and the successive generation of added value, with the aim of anticipating their needs, exceeding their expectations and creating new formulas for tourism profitability.”

There is currently a global trend related to global nomads. They tend to purchase a short-term stay at hotels and expand their co-living networks. Thus, traditional hotels are trying to compete with these networks and allow travellers to sign a single lease and roam around the world.

This is not the first company that is accepting Bitcoin payments in the space. Indeed, a few days ago, Chess.com announced that it was adding Bitcoin Cash (BCH) support after having trouble with Coinbase’s services.

Due to this situation they had to drop Bitcoin support. The interest in using virtual currencies is so large that the owner of the site couldn’t deal with all the payment requests in BCH. He mentioned that he would have to provide all the necessary information to BitPay before it is able to receive large sums of funds.

Garbarino Viajes in Argentina is also accepting Bitcoin as a means of payment. Users can purchase their plane tickets or hotel stays using the most valuable virtual currency in the market.

At the time of writing, Bitcoin has a market capitalization of $67.62 billion and each coin can be purchased for $3,850.